Maximize Your Accomplishment:
Using the CRAA® Certification

Achieving CRAA® certification is a remarkable career milestone that demonstrates your expertise and commitment to excellence in real assets. Sharing this accomplishment can significantly enhance your personal brand and position you as a trusted leader in the industry. Here’s how to correctly display and leverage the CRAA® Certification Marks to boost your professional credibility while maintaining compliance with usage guidelines.

Need a Reference?

Download the Certification Marks Usage Guide.

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Guidance On Using the CRAA® Certification Marks

The CRAA®  certification marks are well-recognized symbols of the ethical conduct, education, and expertise that distinguish CRAA® certificants from other professionals in the real assets industry. It is essential that all certificants remain vigilant in preventing unauthorized use, violations of RPII's reproduction restrictions, or infringement of these marks. Any improper use of the CRAA® Certification Marks can undermine their value and meaning.

Only individuals who have met the current and ongoing certification requirements of the CRAA® Program are authorized to use the CRAA® Certification Marks and represent themselves as a CRAA® certificant. The use of the CRAA® Certification Marks is strictly governed by the CRAA® Certification Trademark Agreement and License, the Code and Principles and Professional Conduct, all relevant CRAA® Program policies, and applicable law.


The Certification Marks

CRAA Certification Mark




CRAA GRAPHIC Certification Mark

CRAA® Graphic Mark

Guidelines for Written References
to Your Certification

These guidelines provide essential direction for referencing the CRAA® Certification Marks in all forms of written materials, including but not limited to resumes, biographies, reports, publications, correspondence, and digital content. Following these guidelines ensures that your CRAA® certification is accurately represented in any written context, while maintaining compliance with usage standards.


Guidelines for CRAA® Certificants with Active Certifications

As a CRAA® certificant, you are encouraged to include the designation after your name (e.g., "Nolan Noone , CRAA"). When the CRAA® mark follows your name, you are not required to use the registered trademark (®) symbol. However, in all other instances, you must use the appropriate trademark symbol (® or ™) when referencing the Certification Marks. For example:

  • Nolan Noone, CRAA
  • Nolan Noone is a CRAA® certificant.
  • Nolan Noone is a CERTIFIED REAL ASSETS ANALYST certificant.

Important Usage Rules:

  • Avoid Generic or Plural References:  refer to the Certification Marks generically (as a noun) or in plurality. The Certification Marks should only be used as an adjective.
    • Improper:  Nolan Noone is a CERTIFIED REAL ASSETS ANALYST.)
    • Proper:  Nolan Noone is a CERTIFIED REAL ASSETS ANALYST certificant.)
  • Capitalization:  The CRAA® mark must always appear in all capital letters. The CERTIFIED REAL ASSETS ANALYST mark should generally be represented in all capital letters, though at a minimum, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (Certified Real Assets Analyst).
  • Tag Line Requirement:  Except for resumes or CVs, include a tag line at the end of your text-based materials stating that the Certification Marks are the property of Real Property and Infrastructure Institute. The tag line should state:  "The CRAA®, CERTIFIED REAL ASSETS ANALYST, and CRAA® Graphic Mark are trademarks of Real Property and Infrastructure Institute.

    (NOTE: In the tag line, only include the marks referenced in your material.)

Ownership and Licensing:

Real Property and Infrastructure Institute owns and licenses the CRAA®, CERTIFIED REAL ASSETS ANALYST, and CRAA® Graphic Mark trademarks.


Guidelines for Candidates Enrolled in the CRAA® Program

  • If you are enrolled in the CRAA® Program and have registered to sit for the CRAA® Exam, you may refer to yourself as a "CRAA® Certification Candidate."
  • If you did not pass the CRAA® Exam but have a good-faith intention to retry, you may continue to identify yourself as a "CRAA® Certification Candidate" until such point you either obtain CRAA® certification or choose to discontinue your efforts.
  • Important Usage Rules:

  • Use of Certification Marks:  You must not use any of the CRAA® Certification Marks until you receive written authorization from RPII in the form of an approved Certification Application. Improper usage before receiving approval may jeopardize your ultimate ability to utilize the CRAA® Certification Marks.
  • Accuracy of Statements:  You are not permitted to make non-factual statements regarding your performance or ranking on the CRAA® Exam. Ensure all statements about your status and intentions are truthful and accurate.

Guidelines for Professionals Whose Certification Has Lapsed

If your CRAA®, certification has lapsed, you may reference your certification in the context of the dates it was valid. For example: “CRAA®certificant, 2021–2023.”

  • Proper Reference:  When noting your certification, ensure you specify the time period during which your certification was active. For instance: “CRAA® certificant, 2021–2023.”
  • Avoid Implying Active Status:  You must not explicitly or implicitly suggest that you are currently an active CRAA® certificant. Make it clear that your certification status is no longer current.

Quick Guidance On Using the CRAA® Graphic Mark

The CRAA® Graphic Mark serves as a distinctive visual representation of the CRAA® credential, signaling adherence to CRAA® certification standards. It is essential that the CRAA® Graphic Mark is used correctly to maintain its integrity and recognition.

When utilizing the CRAA® Graphic Mark:

  • Proximity to Name:  The CRAA® Graphic Mark must be displayed close to your name to clearly associate it with your certification.
  • No Alterations:  The CRAA® Graphic Mark must not be modified, altered, or defaced in any manner. However, it may be inverted in color for use on dark backgrounds.
  • Source Artwork:  All reproductions of the CRAA® Graphic Mark must be made from the official source artwork, which can be downloaded from your online RPII account (login required).
  • Trademark Tag Line:  RPII's trademark tag line and notice are not required to accompany the CRAA® Graphic Mark when used on letterheads or business cards.
  • Restrictions on Use:  The CRAA® Graphic Mark must not be incorporated into a company name or logo. Avoid placing photographs, designs, or other artwork over the CRAA® Graphic Mark that could alter its appearance or cause confusion.
  • Clear Space:  While the CRAA® Graphic Mark must be placed in close proximity to the certificant’s name, you should maintain clear space around the mark to maintain legibility and prominence.