1. Receipt of Misconduct Notice
RPII may initiate a disciplinary case for alleged violations of (i) the ethical standards set by RPII and (ii) the rules and requirements of the CRAA® Program. Compliance may be monitored through written complaints, self-reporting, and internal reviews.
2. Investigation
If RPII's ethics liaison determines that a disciplinary inquiry is warranted based on the received information, an investigation will be conducted according to the Ethics Committee Rules and Procedures. If the investigation reveals no evidence or insufficient evidence to support the allegations, the case will be closed. Otherwise, it will be referred to the Ethics Committee for further consideration.
3. Ethics Committee Review
The Ethics Committee (EC) reviews and decides on all matters related to alleged violations of the Code and Principles of Professional Conduct, as well as any rules pertaining to the CRAA® Program. The Ethics Committee Procedures and Rules (ECPR) govern the review, investigation, and resolution of these matters. All proceedings will be treated as confidential, except as otherwise specified by the ECPR.
4. Determination and Disposition
The Ethics Committee (EC) will determine, based on the facts and circumstances, whether disciplinary action is necessary. Unless otherwise required by the Ethics Committee Rules and Procedures, all determinations will remain confidential.
If a CRAA® certificant or candidate disagrees with the EC's determination, the individual may request a review of the matter by the Ethics Appeal Board (EAB).